
February 29, 2024: Poetry Reading & Classroom Talk, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan

October 13, 2022: Reading with Kevin Fitton, This Is A Bookstore, 6:30 PM, Kalamazoo, Michigan

March 31, 2022: Faculty Reading, GRCC Online Event, Grand Rapids, Michigan

December 16, 2021: GRCC Inside the Writers’ Studio Reading, Online Event, Grand Rapids, Michigan

February 4, 2021: Faculty Reading, GRCC Online Event, Grand Rapids, Michigan

April 2020: Kalamazoo Poetry Festival, available online (

March 26, 2020 (POSTPONED): Faculty Reading, GRCC Library, 6:30 PM, Grand Rapids, Michigan

May 31-June 2, 2019: Poetry Reading for the release of Poets to Come, Whitman’s 200th Birthday Anthology, Long Island, New York

February 17, 2019: Poetry Reading to benefit the Creative Youth Center, Harmony Brewing, Grand Rapids, Michigan

April 2017, Western Michigan University Creative Writing Graduation Reading, Kalamazoo, Michigan

October 15, 2016: Dunes Review 20th Anniversary Launch Party, Traverse City, Michigan

April 1, 2016: AWP Offsite Reading for Grist, Bottle Rock Lounge, Los Angeles, California

Poets in Print reading events at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center can be found here.